Love in the time of “ISIS”

Residents rest by the Euphrates River in Raqqa, eastern Syria

ISIS controlled fully the city of Raqqa on 01/12/2014 after fierce battles with the FSA and mock battles with Jabhat AL Nusra and Harakat Ahrar AL Sham who withdrew from the city.

ISIS soon began to impose special laws and arbitrary provisions, with intimidating people in the field of executions and arrests, sometimes imposing taxes and closing shops 5 times during the prayers, imposing customs fees and other times, preventing goods from leaving or entering into and from the city only if a levy is paid.

Civilians did not escape from their decisions as the Hisba patrols (the police) are looking for smokers and those who violate the laws set by ISIS. The khansa patrol battalions looking for women violating the ISIS dress code, in and out, and prevent mixing all over the city.

Although under all the blackness of the city life, there is another kind of life, a life of taboo full of vitality and rush under the name of “love.”
In the hearts of these raqqawi young men and women, there is still a hope, a glimmer of light as long as some young lovers meet each other in secret, and in spite of all restrictions by the Hisba patrols and Khansa battalions. Their love makes them find the trick to solve their problems and meet each other in an atmosphere of love, even for some minutes.

Raqqa slaughtered silently Team met 2 young lovers as a true example of survival. They are Mahmoud 26 and Zeina 23, and we asked them some questions.

1. How long have you been in love?

Mahmoud and Zeina smiled. Mahmoud said: “We have been in love for about two and a half years, we went to the university together and used to meet at the university coffee shop or one of the city’s cafes and sometimes in public parks. Before the occupation by ISIS, we did not face any problems, we were able to meet in the place of our choice.

2. What has changed for you after the occupation of the city by ISIS?

Everything has changed. We could see each any place we want. Today, meeting Zeina is a semi-suicide because Hisba patrols are everywhere, especially in the parks. If we are arrested, we will face tough sanctions by ISIS. If you are caught in the parks with one of the girls , you are asked to prove the identity of the girl. And if she is not your sister or your wife, the Hisba will arrest you and the Khansa will arrest the girl who will be lashed.

3. So how do you agree to meet now?

Zeina said: “this is another kind of a complex issue. I contact Mahmoud across the What’s up or Facebook and we both agree on a specific place that is away from the Hisba and Khansa patrols, and I give him details that will help him to identify me, for instance, I will carry a red bag with some inscriptions (or with books?), as in Raqqa all women wear the niqab and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

4. How do you communicate, because talking to each other is dangerous as you say?

Mahmoud said: “at the beginning hearing the voice Zeina and seeing her even with the niqab few seconds were enough, but it is no longer bearable. I thought of another trick that will allow me to see her. I talked with my father who owns women’s clothing shop to help him in his work. I suggested to him to take the morning shift and he takes the evening one.” Zeina and Mahmoud laughed, and she added : “Yes and this is how I go from time to time to the shop to buy some accessories, which allows me to talk to him few minutes and sometimes I can remove the veil. That topic remains very serious. On one occasion, the shop was empty and we were talking to each other when one member of ISIS irrupted but did not pay attention to us, even though we were very scared at that moment.

Have you ever thought of what will happen to both you if you get arrested?

Zeina says: “yes. We think about it a lot, and we know the seriousness of the situation, but our feelings toward each other make us stronger and we cannot stay far from each other though everything has to be adventurous.”

Do you reassure one another during the bombing of the city?

Mahmoud says, “of course. In the case of the bombing of the city after, I check on my family directly. I try to contact Zeina through Facebook if she is okay. Sometimes I get very concerned when I do not receive a quick reply.

7. What are your expectations for the future? Do you intend to remain in today situation?

Mahmoud says: “I think I’m tired of this situation and I intend to talk seriously and honestly to my parents in order to marry Zeina. If this happened, we would not live in the city of Raqqa. The situation is no longer bearable and we intend to move to and live in Turkey.

Many among Raqqa’s young men and women have similar stories despite the full control of ISIS over the city, and its attempt to sow grief and hatred among the people. Zeina and Mahmoud’s case is only one among hundreds of love stories taking place in the city.

Everyone is waiting for salvation and as they say: “ death and love intensify in time of war”

media activist from the city of Raqqa, student at the Faculty of Law at the University of the Euphrates. Director of the Media Office of Raqqa, founding member of "Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently", founding member of the documentary project of "Sound and Picture". I work in documenting violations committed by Assad's regime and ISIS group and extremist organizations inside the city of Raqqa, as I work in programming, design and visual media. I hold a certificate of coach in digital security, and a certificate of journalist coach, and a certificate in documenting violations against human rights, and a certificate in electronic advocacy. I underwent a training under the supervision of "Cyber-Arabs" in collaboration with the Institute for War and Peace "IWPR", about the management of electronic websites and leadership of advocacy campaigns, and a training of press photography under the supervision of the photojournalist "Peter Hove Olesen".