In a recent incident that shook the city of Raqqa, residents in the Mashlab neighborhood in Raqqa managed to apprehend a member of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia after he attempted to abduct a 20-year-old girl who works as a nurse.
According to reports, Ibrahim Othman Al-Saeed, a member of the SDF’s mine clearance team, tried to snatch the girl using a knife and then placed her in the trunk of his car in an attempt to flee.
Fortunately, the locals were able to intervene and apprehend him, handing him over to the Asayish forces affiliated with the SDF to take the necessary legal actions against him.
However, there is widespread distrust among Raqqa’s residents towards the Asayish forces, with many believing that Al-Saeed will be released, as has happened in numerous previous incidents of assault and violation committed by their members and those affiliated with the SDF.
This incident reflects the worsening security situation in areas controlled by the SDF militia, underscoring the urgent need to enhance security efforts to ensure the safety of civilians and protect them from potential threats.
Furthermore, this incident also highlights the impact of the increasing spread of drugs in these areas, contributing to a sense of insecurity in the region and the proliferation of thefts and assaults.
This incident should serve as a warning to local and international authorities of the need to take more effective measures to curb the spread of crime and drugs in affected areas, and to ensure the safety and security of civilians at all times. Additionally, considering the clear violations committed by some affiliated with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), we demand that they be held accountable and brought to justice to ensure the safety and security of civilians in the areas they control.