“Migrants office” to reduce the number of dissidents

Exclusive – Abdalaziz Alhamza “Raqqa is being slaughtered silently”

CaptureISIS recently trying to heal a major fault line hit its most important parts of migrants, as a result of the significant differences between the members of the migrants and their peers from the Arabs, especially of Iraqi nationality. ISIS work on this goal by creating “immigrants Office” and its main mission is tracking immigrants’ problems and try to solve them quickly in order to prevent its development in order to not be the reason for dissent or perhaps clashes between the members.

manages the office princes of foreign nationalities is not yet known but excludes the Iraqis certainly the fact that immigrants regard them as one of the causes of those problems, in addition to senior Syrian leadership, including Abu Luqman (Ali Ahawakh), which is considered the mastermind of ISIS in Syria and the prince of securities in ISIS as a whole.

Also, the exclusion of the public security bureau and prevent it from interfering with the affairs of immigrants, is one of the tasks of migrants Office, where is the security office recently deal with much of migrants from doubt and fear of subordination of international intelligence agencies, and in particular that the strikes that attacked ISIS through the drone targeted members and leaders of migrants who do not know about them or their movements than their peers of immigrants. The killing of a number of members ISIS of Dutch nationality holders and the subsequent disobedience carried out by the Dutch members one of the reasons for the establishment of this office, along with trying of dissent carried out recently by a group of ISIS members on the back of the frustration and the decline experienced by ISIS in general and the loss of more territory and great losses of fighters in the first row and push migrants to the front lines, which witnessed the presence of the princes of ISIS of Iraqi nationality.

The last of these incidents, sending eight of the released from the Dutch battalion to the fighting fronts in Aleppo and Deir El-Zour in order to get rid of them and to ward off the risk of their ambitions of leadership growth as did former “Abu Omar Shishane” who formed his influence a threat to the powers of the princes of ISIS from Iraq in addition to gather all foreign fighters around him being was protecting them and preventing any party from interfering in their affairs.

media activist from the city of Raqqa, student at the Faculty of Law at the University of the Euphrates. Director of the Media Office of Raqqa, founding member of "Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently", founding member of the documentary project of "Sound and Picture". I work in documenting violations committed by Assad's regime and ISIS group and extremist organizations inside the city of Raqqa, as I work in programming, design and visual media. I hold a certificate of coach in digital security, and a certificate of journalist coach, and a certificate in documenting violations against human rights, and a certificate in electronic advocacy. I underwent a training under the supervision of "Cyber-Arabs" in collaboration with the Institute for War and Peace "IWPR", about the management of electronic websites and leadership of advocacy campaigns, and a training of press photography under the supervision of the photojournalist "Peter Hove Olesen".